le Scribbles

Facebook Timeline!

Facebook has pulled one over itself again! Well known for changing their page designs and systems more frequently than Yahoo changes CEOs, they have recently changed the Wall design leading to widespread uproar from users, maybe becuase as people usually do not like changes that disrupt their comfort zones. However, that was just the prelude.

As announced at the Facebook #f8 Developers Conference, they have completely overhauled the profile page design to something which is absolutely radical. They call it the Facebook Timeline, and for good reason. So on your page, instead of a long stream of description of bland unending stuff you have done on Facebook, it comes with now with a nice big header picture, your profile photo half-overlaying it, your name and details marked boldly on a banner below it, and and scrollable two-column table page, showing ALL of your activity on it ever since you joined Facebook. This is sorted as per date: month and year, starting from recent all the way to the day you joined Facebook. Or you can view select years and months from a scroll on the right hand side.  In all, you can view all the activity: Status updates, Photo Uploads, Likes, Posts, Links, Friends etc. in chronological order. In short,

Design + Functionality = Mind Blown.

That is right: Depending on how active you are on Facebook, It is the story of your life. You can read through it and reminisce on what you have done and rewind all your memories, relive all the excitement (or the lack of it) of your life. Also, not to mention, it is an even more awesome feature to unearth the shady and murky past of your better half, and to count all those skeletons in all the closets and worms in all those cans! Facebook as it is known for finding intimate details about people and bringing it all out in the open, has achieved one more stride in that quest! Have fun!! :)

How To Activate Facebook Timeline?

1. Login to your Facebook account and then go to the Facebook Developer page, or Click Here

2. Next Page: Give permission to the Developer app by clicking on “Allow”

3. Next Page: Click on the “Create New App” button on the right top of the page

4. Popup: Add something in the “Display Name” and “Namespace” fields. Check the “I Agree” box and click on the Continue button.

5. Captcha: Put in the verification words correctly

6. Next Page: Put in anything in the two fields: (Read) a (Book) for example, Click “Get Started”

7. Next Two Pages: Ignore everything, scroll down and click on the “Save Changes and Next”.

8. Next Page: ignore everything else and click on “Save and Finish”. Then wait for a few minutes and go to your homepage.

9. On your homepage: You should see a notification to enable the Timeline. Do it, select a nice picture as your header and go back in time to see the story of your (Facebook) life, just in case you had forgotten it.

All this does not apply to people who really have a life, you know, outside the Internet :)

P.S. Don’t forget to threaten your BF/GF/Wife/Husband into enabling their Facebook timelines!

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